Foundational Editing Services.

Some of the basic building blocks of services we can provide for you are listed below.
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Our experienced team of photographers are well-versed in camera work and design, producing excellent results in image editing. They work in tandem with our skilled team of advertising professionals who lend versatility to our ideas with their keen eye for aesthetic and strong knowledge of visual media.
Our portfolio of services covers a wide range of techniques including clipping path, masking, retouch, creative retouch and wedding photography editing) at the most basic as well as advanced levels. Our core team of creative professionals cater to publishers, advertising agencies, fashion designers, print media and hospitality giants around the world.

Clipping Path

Amplify your image quality.
Background removal and addition plays a pivotal role in image retouching and we understand this best. Simply changing the background, blending an image against a new environment or enhancing its colours can give you highly precise results and transform the photograph into something new and inventive.

Object Masking

Adjust and tweak.
You can now hide parts of an image, add colour to black and white photographs or cover/uncover parts of a picture; all this while maintaining the original photograph for what it is. Layer masking enables us to make selective changes to a photograph by independently working on multiple layers to create custom-made pictures.

Creative Retouching

Make it flawless.
In high-end photographic retouching, sky is the limit. We can seamlessly move from fulfilling basic editing requirements such as removal of blemishes and spots in portraits to creating complex worlds and effects that are blended, manipulated or juxtaposed to give incredible results

Colour Correction

Bring colors to life.
A perfect photograph takes a perfect finish. Colour Correction can add whole new life to a digital image by enhancing it at several detailed levels such as its contrast, colour code, brightness and colour temperature. This way, Colour Correction fills the other half of photography by giving you the most enriched finish that’s vital for advertising, printing and publishing, and fashion photography.


Simple, yet powerful.
Our talented vector conversion team at Eylon can remodel an image from its conventional JPG, bitmap and PNG formats, to high quality vector images that can be scaled up to mammoth proportions with their resolution kept intact. This works excellently for a wide range of image printing sizes and needs - from manuals to billboards.

Wedding Photography

Eliminate Haze.
Your wedding album is the most personal and timeless. We ensure that your best Kodak moments from the big day are rendered flawless and preserved fresh for years to come. From customising a theme to creating a special mood with the use of tones, colours, effects and recomposition, we personalise your wedding album the way you’d like to remember it.

How it works

Capture. Upload. Tailor. Publish. –It’s that simple.
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